The Sheikh
As "sheikh" can also denote any man of honour, sometimes younger people are also addressed as "old man".
Sheikh, literally means "old man". The sheikh shares this title with the remaining elders of the tribe, who have gained this distinction through their experience of life and through the respect that comes naturally with age.
As a group of tribal members of rank and honour the sheikhs make up the council or Majlis. The head of this tribal council is primus inter pares, first among equals, who draws his authority from age, respect and competence.
Georg Popp
What makes this travel guide so special? This book is a product of the long-term personal friendship between the authors, Mr Georg Popp and Mr Juma Al-Maskari and their continuing fascination with the Sultanate of Oman. Combining their insights from European and Omani perspectives, they have produced a guide which is as much about culture and history as it is a practical guide for planning your itinerary.