Flight Options
Many European airlines and most airlines of the Gulf region fly to Oman, in particular to the capital, Muscat. OMAN AIR is the only carrier flying non-stop from Frankfurt and Munich to Oman within 6-1/2 hours.
Since October 2009 OMAN AIR is the only carrier flying non-stop from Frankfurt and Munich to Oman. The flight takes approx. 6-1/2 hours. Oman Air also flies nonstop between Muscat and London, Paris, Zurich, and Milan. From Asian countries there are connections via Bangkok, Hong Kong and Singapore.
Oman Air was the first airline worldwide to offer cell inflight phone roaming, in addition to its on board wireless Internet service.
In 2011 Oman Air was named the best airline in the world. This was the result of a survey in the German magazine REISE & PREISE ("TRAVEL & PRICES"). Along with the title "Best Airline in 2011," Oman Air was also awarded the title of "Best Economy Class worldwide". Respondents attested that Oman Air has the most comfortable seats, the most extensive on-board service and the best value for money. This award is just one of many international awards which Oman Air was awarded in 2011. In June, Skytrax awarded the airline the title "Best Business Class Seat".
A flight from Europe to Oman on the most direct routes will generally take seven or eight hours. You will have to change planes at least once, usually at the hub of the respective airlines (e.g. British Airways via London, KLM via Amsterdam, Emirates Airlines via Dubai, Eithad via Abu Dhabi, etc.)
We are happy to provide you flight offers for your consideration (no obligation!). In order to provide valid options with guaranteed prices we request the following information:
- Preferred travel dates (including alternative acceptable dates)
- Full name of each passenger (as it appears in the passport)
- Dates of birth of children under age12 Desired route of travel
(your nearest airport/s, and destination, plus points of return, if different)
- Your daytime contact information, should we need any more details.
Booking contact:
e-mail: sales@oman-tours.com
Tel: (+49-89) 3077 9200
Fax: (+49-89) 300 2841
Georg Popp
What makes this travel guide so special? This book is a product of the long-term personal friendship between the authors, Mr Georg Popp and Mr Juma Al-Maskari and their continuing fascination with the Sultanate of Oman. Combining their insights from European and Omani perspectives, they have produced a guide which is as much about culture and history as it is a practical guide for planning your itinerary.