Calligraphy in Oman

Callilgraphy holds a special place in the art of Oman, and has has reached a new level, in which the image becomes a poetic palette of color, as the literal meanings of the forms come into focus, or transform into "arabesques" which merge and disappear .

Calligraphy Arahman by Omani artist Madny Al-Bakry

Just as the art of the Occident was influenced over the ages by Christianity, the traditional art of Arabia has been influenced by Islam. Islam prohibits the naturalistic depiction of living creatures since this would be a new act of creation -- a human pretension to also possess divine power.

As a result of this attitude in Arabia a very highstanding and complex form of art script -- calligraphy -- was developed. The characters are released from their fixed grammatical position and positioned freely on the page, based on creative whims, or are reconstituted to form new "type faces". The literal sense in calligraphy is not encompassed by a line-by-line reading of the letters but rather of the general impression made by viewing the complete word or sentence.

The modern calligraphy of Oman disengages from the textual declaration and works freely with the letters as abstract signs in their own right -- as you may see in the artwork of Madny Al-Bakry.

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